Mission Statement
The DPSF is an independent, multi-disciplinary Patient Safety Organization whose purpose is to improve safety and quality of dental care. Integral to this mission are the non-partison data collection and analyses, with subsequent reporting, education and advocacy to all dental professionals. In this endeavor, the creation and ongoing support of a meaningful culture of safey will be promoted.
Now is the time for dentistry to become proactive and actively engaged to protect the public and enhance our profession. This encompasses all aspects of patient safety in the administration of local anesthesia, minimal, moderate and deep sedation/general anesthesia, infection control, medical emergency preparedness, environmental and clinical issues (e.g. fire, occupational hazards, opioid prescribing, etc.), employee and doctor health. Education and outreach to the dental community would be based on evidence based guidelines and would include safety initiatives from the predoctoral level through postdoctoral continuing education.